Athletes must first obtain a SJI 5 Bar Log Book.
The SJI 5 Bar Log Book is available to purchase on your SJI Account.
Cost including postage and packaging is €25
A coach from the approved coaches list will then work through the syllabus of the relevant Bar and sign off the log book. For Bar 2 and above the athlete must then attend an assessment.

- All 128cm pony riders need to have their BAR 1 signed off and returned to their regional rep at least 5 days before competeing at a qualifier
- All 138cm, 148cm, COH and young riders need to have their BAR 2 signed off and have attended an assessment at least 5 days before competeing at a qualifier
- Please ensure your 5 Bar Logbooks are completed fully, corrected and signed-off from a Coach on the current SJI Approved Coaches List.
- Log Books to be brought to Assessments